Bedford is a small town in the Eastern Cape that you might miss completely if you drove past. Its main reason for existing at all is because of the 1820 Settlers who arrived here nearly two centuries ago. Houses with beautiful facades, proud old buildings that echo the prosperity of the colonisers, and town traditions that belong in a small English town are some of its features.
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Beyond the pommes frites and mayonnaise, politics, beer, waffles and chocolate, Belgium isn’t one of the more celebrated countries in Western Europe – actually, it is probably one of the most vilipended. Perhaps it’s because of the interesting political system, its liberal moral laws or a less-than-perfect colonising history, but whatever the reasoning, the stereotypes miss something big.
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Grüezi mitenand!” (hello everyone) booms the lilting Swiss German voice from the corner as visitors tentatively poke their heads through the door of the tiny shop. Through the doors of the colourful shop front overflows a veritable smorgasbord of beautiful objects waiting for new owners. Frank Keller, better known as Grafseismo, is crouching at the back, strumming on a beautiful old banjo.
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Honey Guide
People thought I was saying “Honey Guy” when I was working on the Honey Guide story about Mark Farah. It’s quite fitting actually. Mark is The Honey Guy. He loves what he does. It glows in his eyes when he speaks.
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